The exhibition of paintings and art objects by Dagmar Franolić titled Hello Tree was opened at the Decumanus Gallery in Krk on August 7th, 2010 at 8.30 pm.
The exhibition will be available for visit until August 26th, 2010 every day from 10 am to 12 am, and from 8 pm to 11 pm.
The exhibition was opened by Maja Parentić, Dagmar Franolić, Višnja Slavica Gabout and Čedomir Miler.

The exhibition Hello Tree by the Krk painter Dagmar Franolić has opened in the Decumanus Gallery. The exhibition is an interesting interdisciplinary project in which the author records her careful two-year listening and observation of trees with paintings (watercolors and collages), drawings, art books, photographs, sculptures and the word (quotes from diaries and poetry). All these collected sensations in this eco-art research are presented through an unusual installation in which we encounter twelve separate stories about trees from the author’s living environment (melia, nettle, fig, pine, walnut, olive, tamarisk, poplar, cypress, old oak, chestnut and ash) which were chosen because of some of their peculiarity. The author studies them visually and haptically, thereby deepening the communication with nature and reminding the observer that he can always find refuge in nature’s selfless embrace. The exhibition was opened by curator Višnja Slavica Gabout, along with the director of the Cultural Center Maja Parentić and Deputy Mayor Čedomir Miller. Višnja Slavica Gabout said that Dagmar Franolić’s intimate painting carries elements of the real, but also of the author’s interpretation, while the seen combines with the experiential and emotional, associative and symbolic, and thereby creates a new, personal reality. Recognizable elements of the author’s expression run through a new cycle, as well as trough her characteristic spatial perspective, it’s only that now the landscape is no longer captured panoramically but focuses on a detail, on the tree. Because one winter, the author’s gaze suddenly stopped on it, and stayed there for a long time. Since then, her attitude toward the tree has changed completely. Dagmar Franolić was born in 1963 in Munich (Germany), where she was educated. She lives in Krk since 1982. She has been painting intensively since 1984, and began exhibiting in 1989. During more than 25 years of artistic activity, she has profiled herself as a painter with a special sense of watercolor and drawing.

The Poem of the Salt Cedars
…because it is the wind
that forms us,
and I stand towards the wind…
and nevertheless…
remain the one
who I am…
See more exhibition related content: Portfolio – Dagmar Franolić – Hello Tree, and find out more about the project on her blog Hello Tree.