galerija DAGMAR
o. Lena Franolić
Vela Placa 4
51500 Krk
OIB: 69325346129
tel.: +385(0)51 222 446
Content on pages Portfolio / Artists – Dagmar Franolić written by: Dagmar Franolić;
all other content written by: Lena Franolić (unless otherwise stated).
German translation: Dagmar Franolić and Lena Franolić
English translation: Lena Franolić
Croatian translation: Lena Franolić
Web design, content management and maintenance: Lena Franolić
Specially marked articles do not necessarily represent the editorial position of galerija DAGMAR.
In presenting images and information on the pages of galerija DAGMAR we are trying to ensure their accuracy and validity, but cannot guarantee their absolute accuracy and validity. Therefore, galerija DAGMAR assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information or any errors that are possibly present on this site. Our goal is to keep the presented information timely and accurate so the content on this site is constantly updated and subject to change.
Do you know something more about the topic or want to report an error in the text? Interested in details about a particular event or artwork that we may not have listed? Feel free to contact us through the Contact form.
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